Register Now for the ESG Green Development and Carbon Neutrality Awards 

Wizpresso is proud to collaborate with am730, the Institute of ESG & Benchmark (IESGB), and the Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia (IFTA) in organizing the ESG Green Development and Carbon Neutrality Awards. The event is designed to recognize organizations in Hong Kong that have achieved noteworthy accomplishments in ESG practices, while simultaneously promoting green development and carbon neutrality projects in response to the critical challenges of climate change and sustainable development. We are delighted to contribute our expertise in AI-generated ESG insights to support this initiative. 

In particular, our AI-powered ESG peer benchmarking platform, Wizpresso Valuelytics, will play a pivotal role in the evaluation process. With its security-proven accuracy and reliability, the platform will serve as a reference for scoring participating companies. Leveraging information disclosed in annual reports or ESG reports from the past three years, the evaluation will encompass key aspects of environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) performance. 

The collaboration between Wizpresso and the ESG Green Development & Carbon Neutrality Awards guarantees a robust and data-driven approach, providing participants with an impartial assessment of their sustainability efforts. We aim to foster responsible business practices and accelerate the realization of carbon neutrality goals in Hong Kong. 


November to December 2023: Registration period 

End of December 2023: Deadline for registration and submission of entry documents 

January 2024: The evaluation process begins 

February 2024: Announcement of results 

March 18, 2024: Award ceremony 

Award Categories: 

Outstanding Sustainable Enterprise Award (Listed Companies) 

Outstanding Sustainable Enterprise Award (Non-Listed Companies) 

Outstanding Green Application Awards: 

  • Green Technology Products 
  • Green Finance Products 
  • Green Projects 

Join us in this remarkable initiative and seize the opportunity to showcase your organization’s achievements in ESG and contribute to the advancement of green development in Hong Kong. For further details and registration, please visit 

We are excited to witness your participation in the ESG Green Development and Carbon Neutrality Awards!