Hong Kong Startup Society – 22 June 2020

Hong Kong – Calvin Cheng, founder and CEO of Wizpresso, has published an article on HK Startup Society, highlighting the challenges businesses face in data analysis and how innovative solutions can drive meaningful insights.
In the article, Cheng reflects on his experiences as a financial analyst, where he often spent countless hours manually compiling and verifying data. He identifies three critical issues: the prevalence of unstructured data, underutilization of deep web resources, and the difficulty businesses have in translating data into actionable insights. To address these challenges, Cheng founded Wizpresso, a technology company that leverages natural language processing (NLP) to automate and enhance the data analysis process.
“By improving how data is managed and analyzed, we can significantly increase efficiency and empower businesses to make informed decisions,” Cheng states. His vision for Wizpresso is to create a community of users who actively engage with data to derive new insights and improve workflows.
Wizpresso has rapidly gained traction, with over 200 corporate users and recognition as an Outstanding Alternative Data Platform by etnet in 2019. Cheng invites businesses and individuals to join Wizpresso’s journey towards data-driven excellence.
Read full article: https://hkstartupsociety.hktdc.com/en/perspectives/how-save-time-and-drive-more-insights-businesses
About Wizpresso:
Wizpresso is an AI-driven technology company based in Hong Kong, focused on streamlining data analysis for financial institutions and businesses through innovative market intelligence solutions.