ViuTV Venture Mastermind Introduces Wizpresso’s Product Vision and Story

5 April 2022 – ViuTV 創業軍師

Wizpresso has been featured by ViuTV’s 創業軍師 (HKprenuer), a popular Hong Kong TV program featuring entrepreneurs from a broad range of industries and disciplines. 

We are pleased to have Calvin Cheng, our founder, and KT Chan, our Head of Technology, to share their product vision and story behind the company.   

About 創業軍師(HKprenuer)

創業軍師 (HKprenuer) is a finance program that has been broadcast on ViuTV 99 channel since 2019. Hosted by Tin Yu, a famous finance news broadcaster and Phoenix Wan, the founder of Hong Kong Youth Entrepreneur Warrior, the programme has interviewed more than 100 entrepreneurs in a broad range of SMEs and large enterprises in Hong Kong. Since its launch, the show has gained popularity in the finance and business industry.

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創業/財經節目「創業軍師」於2019年於VIUTV99台智富通環節啟播至今,由知名財經主播余樂明(Tin)主持,及「青年創業軍創辦人溫學文(Phoenix)擔任嘉實主持人,節目播出至今共訪共問了過百位香港大中小企創業家,在商界具相當知名度。逢星期一和二,早上11:30-12:00於ViuTV 99台智富通環節播出。